Tutorial 5 (Cinemachine and Post Processing Stack)

For this tutorial, we learned about Cinemachine and post-processing stack. 

The first thing i did was was make the virtual camera follow the player. This was done using a viraul camera and in the 'Follow' and 'Look At' component, add the player. 

The next thing i did was create a second virtual camera to be triggered when the player walks into a particular space. I then made this camera to be on a dolly, this was done by creating a track to follow the player. 

Then i added  post-processing stack to the main camera to create some post-processing effects. i added a vagnitte effect to this layer, creating some dark area around the screen. 

The result is:

Then i added a post-processing volumn to the hierarchy, this allows me to set a specific area in the game world to have a specific post-procesing effect different from the rest of the world. 

The result of that is :

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