Self Study 2

For self study Module 2, we are task to create a humanoid, rig it, and animate it. This is the first step in building a character and animating that character when working in a game that required characters. 

I have created a low poly character from the turotial: MODELING A LOW POLY CHARACTER IN 10 MINS IN BLENDER - Quick Blender Tutorial

The result can be seen below:

The humanoid i have created is not the same as in the tutorial as i wanted to make some changes and see what that would look like.

For the next step, i watched a tutorial on the basics of animating a person walking ffrom: RPG graphics E04: Walk animation [Blender]

The result of that can be seen in the GIF below: 

(I know the charater looks like it's has a limp, also i walk with my arms matching my legs sometimes)

The result of making the humanoid look around as (cause they are tourist and that's what they do), i created a simple head turn, the results are as below:

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